

branch & leaves pruning - Bonsai

prune bonsai, pruning bonsai tree leaves

Main branch pruning:
Heavy pruning should be carried out in autumn, winter, or early spring, and is the major way of shaping a bonsai tree. The main priorities are to remove any branche that is too low at the front 1 any branch directly opposite another 2 any that creates a so-called cartwheel effect 3 and any that crosses the front or back to the other side of the tree. 4 Hollow out all stumps with a sharp knife 5.

General Pruning:
Throughout the growing season, cut back shoots of maples 1 zelkovas 2 and other broad-leaves to the first or second pair of leaves. Pinch out the tips of juniper shoots 3.With pines, 4 remove the center "candles" and pinch back the others.

Leaf Cutting:
Do this in early summer on deciduous trees that donot flower or fruit. Use sharp scissors to remove half of each leaf 1 on weak branches or trees, but all but the stalk 2 on strong wood. In a few weeks the stalk will drop and new small foliage and shoots will grow.

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