Spider mites
the number one pest enemy of bonsay is spider mites. The best way to get a handle on this problem immediately is to monitor your bonsai on a regular basis. In fact, you should get into the habit of preventing these pest in the first place, although that is often not as easy as it sound. First, you need to use a low toxic level of pesticide, whether chemical or organic, as asoon as you see signs of spider mites.
the most visible of the spider mites are the red variety. You will actually see them crawling around on the leaves as very tiny red specks. Although small, they can be seen. If you were unsure, take a white piece of paper and while holding it under one of the suspect leaves, gentyl tap the leave so a few drop to the paper. This will make them much easier to identify.
You might also notice a small web like material that resembles some type of debris on the underside of the leaves or tiny pearls that are actually eggs. other mites could be translucent with two dark spots on the back. No matter which type of spider mite you have, always check on the underneath portion of the leaves. If the plant are really badly infected, the leaves will be yellow with red mottling.
If you still cannot see the mites make sure your bonsai has them, you can use a magnifying glass. Although spider mites are not considered an aggressive mover, meaning they will generally stay on one leaf or nearby leaves, they can be moved by birds, animal hair, and even clothing. Typically, spieder mites are much worse when the weather is dry and dusty although they can attack in any condition.
You need to learn if your particular bonsai is a type of plant enjoyed by spider mites and then if you find your bonsai has them, isolate the plant so they are away from uninfected plants. Many species are susceptible, particulary Junipers, Boxwood, Apples, and Blackberries.
In most cases, spider mites will be the worst in the springtime, peaking in the latter summer months. Then when the weather begins to cool down, they will multiple but at a much slower pace. The lifecycle of spider mites is anywhere from seven to 10 days, laying eggs throughout. Any treatment should be repeated over the course of one week to ensure the adult and any hatchlings have been killed. When you do spray, make sure the bottom of the leaves is focused on most. However, you do need to treat the entire bonsai. If you have the time, you can grow or buy predator mites, which although very expensive, they do help.