

Summer care for bonsai

Summer care for bonsai - Keeping in mind the variations due to each tree's size, variety, age, health, and microclimate positioning, the following are tips to help your bonsai survive during a long, hard summer.

  • Grow native or naturalized plants.

  • Use the recommended coarse soil mix.

  • Keep your plants healthy and pest-free. Rotate each plant a quarter turn every week. This gives even exposure to the sun and fresh air, plus allows you to check on the health or disease from all sides.

  • Don't let your plants get out of control, especially the faster growers like junipers and elms.

  • Keep new growth pinched after it gets only so long. Don't lose the shape you've spent time working on. Thin any tight growth to allow air and light flow.

  • Be aware of the water-retention of each pot of soil mix. Slight differences in soil materials when each plant was potted up, the requirements of each type of tree, the siting of each pot -- all these prohibit a "one-method-fits-all" watering. Learn to customize to your plants' needs.

  • Provide shade cloth overhead, especially after noon. Or site your bonsai under landscape trees or shrubs.

  • Set pots on low stands or slatted workbenches over a lawn, mulch or gravel; less preferable is over concrete or desert landscaping. Soak the ground thoroughly in the morning. Give the trees an occasional good-strength shower.

  • Over-pot your trees in the springtime. The extra room will be much appreciated. Or, sink your potted trees in a layer of mulch or sawdust. Check every now and then that the roots haven't grown out the drainage holes and into the ground!

  • Set pots near a swimming pool or pond, or above but not in pans of water. Be aware of reflected sunlight. (Keep trees a little way away from south or west facing masonry walls or windows.)

  • Group plants together, but not touching one another. Allow room for good air circulation.

  • Don't let your more delicate trees get unfiltered west/afternoon sun or a monsoon dust storm.

  • Have your plants spend the summer in a growing bed, not in their pots. Prune vigorous top growth.

  • Water maples and other plants bearing thin-edged leaves with distilled or reverse-osmosis (RO) water. Remember to fertilize half-strength regularly.

  • If a bonsai has wilted leaves, put it in the shade and give it a little water. Give it a little more water later that day. Let the roots recover slowly -- don't drown them.

  • When established -- not recently repotted or root-pruned -- larger specimens of the following can take full sun: bougainvillea, elephant food, fruitless olive, lantana, lysiloma, Texas ebony, junipers, dwarf myrtle.

  • In the late summer and throughout the fall use a high phosphate fertilizer, such as a 10-60-10 blend, for the flowering trees. This allows the plant to build up reserves and rudimentary buds for next spring.

  • Sketch or photograph your trees. Determine what kind of tree would be right -- or wrong -- for that empty container you have. When traveling, study full-grown trees. Notice their shapes: what is it that gives them "character?"
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